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How To Comply with the CROWN Act in Columbus, Ohio
The CROWN Act, which stands for “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair,” went into effect in the city of Columbus on January 16, 2021. Columbus business owners should be aware of its requirements and update their policies as necessary to ensure compliance.

What Should an Employer Do if One of Their Employees Tests Positive for COVID-19?
Employers should take a moment to review the new CDC guidance, summarized here, to prepare themselves for how to handle workers who test positive for COVID-19 and/or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. Omicron has changed the game- employers should prepare for when, not if, they need to isolate or quarantine employees.

Is This The End of the Industrial-Age-Based Employment Model?
No matter your opinion about Proposition 22, the passage of the initiative was a huge win for “gig economy” entrepreneurs. It may also signal a shift in the way we think about employment, a change that has been years in the making. With the rise of the gig economy, both workers and businesses are relying on the industrial-age-based employment model less and less.